Sunday, August 19, 2007

updates, updates, updates

After a couple days of absence, I checked my mail and was floored by the first unopened message: “Comment on” Someone had commented on something I had written! Someone had noticed. I quickly clicked over to YFG and read the comment that was left on the Picross demo review—a link to a site I had already linked to in the Picross post from an anonymous user. Slightly disgruntled, I silently thanked Mr. Anonymous Picross Person (just knowing that someone glanced YFG’s way is nice) and moved on with my usual morning route on the Internet.

I caught a lucky break today, which means I’m typing on my laptop at work as I sit through this rain and pray to sweet Jeebus that no one comes to the pool (making your lifeguard guard in the rain is not cool). What does that mean for YFG? I’m going to try to supply a deluge of much-needed updates while I sit here and listen to my eclectic, eccentric music tastes of orchestrated Phoenix Wright music, Blink 182, j-pop, and other wonderful 90s songs.

I’ve added a few reviews, which are way too time-consuming to write in their current structure and most likely to time-consuming to read. I’m also toying around with the idea of scrapping any kind of ratings system and simply going with a “recommended buy?” type comment. Numbers for revew-purposes can just be plain misleading and confusing as they vary incredibly from review to review, especially when you look at a site like and see the review scores for one game run the gamut from mind-blowingly amazing to mediocre. But numbers are the easiest way to rank games and put them in perspective.

Let me know your thoughts on the numbers. Or even if you just leave an anonymous comment and a link to a puzzle site, I think I’d be pretty happy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Picross online: Nonograms

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