Friday, August 3, 2007

congratulations VGVN

Congratulations to the Video Games Voting Network on gaining support from over 100,000 members (even though they did have that awful ad). You're really showing that gamers do in fact come out of their little caves full of consoles, and can take a long enough of a break from WoW to promote a cause. (Joking, guys.)

I'm interested to see where this issue will play a role and if it will play a role in any campaigns. I doubt we'll see it in the presidential campaign (because of more pressing issues like the war in Iraq, gay marriage rights, etc., etc.), although it would be interesting if we did. It's just hard to imagine presidential candidates talk fervently about videogames. Maybe Barack Obama, just because he's so hip and mainstream with the younger crowd, but aside from that, I can't really see it happening.

Ooh, I need to see what Jack Thompson thinks about this. He tends to think of gamer's as know-nothing zombie-IQ-level degenerates who have no other interest in anything else aside from videogames, which corrupt our morals on a daily basis. Oh, Jack Thompson, how you make the game community chuckle.

**okay, I really need to go to work. To do: links, pic of Obama angel, spelling of Obama's name?, JT response, be an evil degenerate zombie-child videogame-freak.

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