I believe it, and would completely recommend a PS2 to anyone, especially with its price tag of $129 MSRP or better yet, just $99 for a used one.
What made the PS2 so great, and what is giving the "next-gen" systems such trouble, was its vast library of incredible games, especially the RPG/Adventure sort. If you're an RPG fan, chances are the PS2 is your system. PS2 also stood solidly in other genres, as well, catering to pretty much everyone's tastes.
And another plus for the PS2? Games are still being published for it. Publishers/developers still seem to be a little skittish when it comes to designing a game to the PS3 expensive specs. If the game fails to sell, then they could easily take a huge loss.
So here's to the PS2: a list of games that were and still are tons of fun (and could be considered "must-haves" in any library). PS2 had so many great titles, I can't possibly recount them all (at least in the 5-10 minutes I'm writing this ^_^;; ). Please let me know what's missing!
Final Fantasy, especially 7**, 8**, 10, or 12
- Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
- Disgaea
- Okami (note: one of my all-time favorites)
- Guitar Hero
- Katamari games
- Jak and Daxter
- LEGO Starwars
- Lumines
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Simpsons Hit and Run
- Dance Dance Revolution, Karaoke Revolution
- Shadow of the Colossus
[PICTURED right: game art of Okami]
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