Nintendo Wifi USB Connector
Price: MSRP $39.99

What does it do?
Allows the user’s DS to connect to Nintendo Wireless Internet and play games with other DS players. Also allows the Wii to go online (I have not yet tried this; will update when I do though) (No one knows, it's mystery is only exceeded by it's power, and it's power is only exceeded by its mystery ^_~)
How do you link with other players online?
Players use uniquely generated Friend Codes, which act like DS addresses, to link to their in-real-life friends or challengers found over the Internet.
No personal information is associated with such Friend Codes, which makes friend codes very safe to share. The only discrepancy that comes with publicly sharing FCs online is it makes your DS game more vulnerable to hackers.
Is it easy to set up?
Unfortunately, it depends. I’ve heard success stories, but all too many stories of frustration and barrages of error codes.
The installation process is simple enough—the USB key comes with easy-to-understand instructions and software. The problem comes after installation, when you try to connect and stand a great chance of being attacked by error codes, commonly 52003, 51099.
Error codes!!! HELP!
Go here to debunk what your error code means.
Nintendo recently revamped their support site, which unfortunately made finding USB Key support more cumbersome. I dug up the links that were particularly helpful to me when I had connection problems, the most important of these probably being the error code directory located to the right side of the pages, which tells you what your error code means and what to do about it.
When I received error code 52003 and/or 51099, I had to turn my Norton Antivirus Firewall temporarily so I could go online. It’s scary not having virus protection, but I usually don’t surf the Internet while I’m using my DS online.
Using a search engine like Google or Yahoo is also a helpful way to solve error code issues. There are most definitely other people who have experienced the same difficulties, and more than likely someone has posted multiple solutions to your problem on a forum somewhere.Can't this work with my wireless router?/Any alternatives?….
If you’re lucky enough, you’ll already have a wireless Internet network established at home. Congratulations, you might have avoided a headache. Only a few certain wireless routers are compatible with the DS. Nintendo has official ratings/reviews of router compability with the DS here.
If your router is not compatible, you will have to purchase the USB key for DS Internet access. Sorry and my condolences. (You can always shoot me an e-mail for support/help).
Helpful Links:
- Error code directory
- Software download (if your troubleshooting solution suggests you reinstall USB connector software)
- List of supported routers for the Nintendo DS
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A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Today I played around this site:
[url=] - Wii Live Tournaments[/url]
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