Sunday, January 13, 2008

Staff Biographies

Meet the people who make the pulse of Your Family Games beat.

Meghan Ventura
Editor-in-Chief/Webmistress/Female Games-Journalist-to-be

Meghan Ventura is a sophomore journalism major studying at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University and, now, a certified yoga teacher. She has been playing games since PokeMon Red/Blue (about 1995) and favors handheld games above all others.

Tired of seeing videogames get a repeatedly senseless flogging in the news, Meghan started Your Family Games with the intention of guiding parents into the crazy fray of videogames and their culture, ultimately hoping to set the record of games' supposed effect on children straight. She and the small band of YFG writers pay for games with money from their own pockets, and are unpaid (at least until they hit the big time).

Favorite Games: Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Golden Sun, Find the Egg

Christa Puccio

Staff Writer since Jan. 2008
Christa Puccio is a sophomore enrolled in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism program and a goalkeeper for the Women’s Varsity Soccer Program at Ohio University. She has been balancing school, soccer and video games since age four with her first old school Nintendo. Her favorite games are on the Play Station 2 game console, including Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3, SOCOM Combined Assault and Grand Theft Auto Vice City.

Staff Writer since Jan. 2008
Will is a freshman journalism major at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. His favorite games are: the Madden series, Final Fantasy XII, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect,
Halo 3, Dynasty Warriors 4, Age of Empires 3, PokeMon (all of them), and Super Smash Brothers.

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